Haskell Foundation DevOps Weekly Log, 2023-05-31

I’m back from visiting family in California! :call_me_hand:

This log only covers the last couple days instead of a full week, but luckily I had some wrap-up tasks that I could dive into after my break. I finally deployed the 0.1 version of “spuriobot”, the GitLab webhook service that tracks and recovers from spurious CI failures. This is a Haskell rewrite by volunteer Chris Linton-Ford. Now that all the build-and-deploy functionality is in place, we can continue adding features and tests to improve on the status quo. I also made documentation improvements to the the Haskell Error Index (PR) and Cabal (PR).

Next up is ZuriHac! After that, I will continue adding features to spuriobot and trying to get the CI Health Dashboard to show all greens.