The last few days have been challenging due to operational issues and looming deadlines, but I made a lot of progress nonetheless.
- I got a crash course in zfs, the filesystem used on gitlab-storage. I am now equipped to manage the data migration.
- We made a little headway on getting me access to modify DNS, a required step in the migration. Currently blocked on some Cloudflare service issue.
- I fixed one of the smaller CI issues I identified. CI: Don’t run lint-submods on nightly
- (Just this very minute) I fixed the new problem I introduced with the above fix.
CI: Allow hadrian-ghc-in-ghci to run in nightlies
- I put together a “status & strategy” presentation for the HF board.
As you may gather from the first bullet points, I am not done with the service migration yet. But I made good progress, and as of right now I’ve cleared the other distractions away, so hopefully I can give it my full attention in the coming days.
That’s all for now!