Haskell Foundation July 2024 Update

Haskell Foundation July 2024 Update

Hello everyone,

After a few months pause, we’re reviving the monthly updates. Just in time, too, as July was a very busy month!

I’m uncertain whether the previous format was useful, so if you have ideas on how we can make the monthly updates more useful to the community, please reach out, I’d love to make the monthly updates a bigger source of value.

Big News!

We have a new sponsor, Standard Chartered!, and the first batch of Skills Matters videos is ready for your consumption. More details on these things below.

New projects

Do you maintain a Haskell Package with a user base? Would you like to give a talk about your Haskell package but don’t currently have a venue to do so? If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to one or both of these questions, please email me at jmct@haskell.foundation, I am working on a new initiative and would like to speak with you about it!

Existing initiatives

Skills Matter Videos

The first batch is available here on YouTube. I will also share this on the relevant thread. We should have batches coming out weekly going forward.

Security Response Team

2024 Q2 Report

The Security Response Team is also looking for volunteers, we will post a more official call for volunteers soon, but if it’s something that’s definitely interesting to you, please reach out!

Stability Working Group

Meeting notes:


The Haskell Interlude Podcast released interviews with Garrett Morris and Dominic Orchard.


New Sponsor!

Standard Chartered Bank (SC) is now sponsoring the Haskell Foundation at the Applicative level! SC has been a long-time user of Haskell with one of the, if not the, largest Haskell code-bases in the world. We at the Haskell Foundation appreciate SC’s show of trust and look forward to working with SC on improving the Haskell ecosystem.

This has been a long time in the works so I want to give a special thank you to José Pedro Magalhães, Simon Peyton Jones, and Richard Eisenberg getting the ball rolling on this.

All of our work is made possible by our individual contributors and our sponsors. Thank you so much for your support.


