Haskell logo with transparent background for dark mode users

When viewing the site with dark mode enabled, the Haskell logo at the top displays with a white background:

From some initial skimming of Discourse docs, it sounds like there may be support for separate logos when either light or dark mode is enabled. If not, we could likely use the same logo but with the white background removed. This is how that looks from local testing:

I’ll attach the test image I used, but fair warning that the background removal on it is imperfect:


I would like this, thanks for suggesting.

The contour is not very clean but the idea of having a transparent background is nice!

Here’s my version, with a slighly cleaner background cutout and increased brightness for the dark mode.

I opened the current png banner in GIMP, upscaled 4x, separated colors into 4 layers, did Color to Alpha conversion separately for each layer with different thresholds, removed leftover transparency to make letters solid again, adjusted levels for brightness, then downscaled back.


Looks really nice! Thanks for doing it.

I see there still isn’t a dark mode logo. I took the Haskell.org svg logo and made the text brighter:

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="512" height="80" viewBox="0 0 512.00001 80"><g fill-opacity=".937" fill="#ddd"><path d="M188.778 3.424v74.198h-20.39V48.57h-24.89v29.05h-20.39V3.424h20.39v27.38h24.89V3.424h20.39zm26.79 75.243q-4.078 0-7.634-1.36-3.555-1.357-6.17-3.657-2.51-2.403-3.973-5.643-1.46-3.24-1.46-7.002 0-4.18 1.78-7.628 1.78-3.45 4.92-5.957 3.14-2.508 7.43-3.867 4.39-1.358 9.62-1.358 6.7 0 11.09 2.09v-1.672q0-3.867-2.3-5.748-2.19-1.88-7.21-1.88-4.7 0-8.68 1.566-3.97 1.47-8.36 4.39l-5.75-12.33q10.876-7 24.78-7 13.177 0 20.288 5.86 7.11 5.86 7.11 17.56v10.66q0 2.82 1.05 3.97 1.05 1.05 3.77 1.26v16.72q-2.72.52-5.126.73-2.407.32-4.29.32-5.332 0-8.156-1.88-2.72-1.98-3.56-5.75l-.42-1.98q-3.66 4.71-8.47 7.21-4.81 2.41-10.25 2.41zm5.96-14.213q1.778 0 3.66-.522 1.882-.628 3.346-1.568 1.15-.836 1.883-1.777.732-1.045.732-2.09v-4.075q-1.78-.627-3.87-1.045-2.1-.418-3.77-.418-3.66 0-6.07 1.77t-2.41 4.49q0 2.3 1.78 3.76 1.88 1.46 4.7 1.46zm65.41 14.213q-3.45 0-7.424-.523-3.974-.522-7.843-1.358-3.76-.836-7.32-1.986-3.55-1.254-6.16-2.717l7.64-13.48q5.75 3.03 10.98 4.597 5.23 1.568 9.73 1.568 5.23 0 5.23-2.613 0-1.36-2.09-2.404-2.09-1.04-7.94-2.5-5.85-1.56-9.83-3.13-3.97-1.56-6.37-3.45-2.41-1.98-3.45-4.28-1.05-2.4-1.05-5.54 0-4.18 1.674-7.73 1.777-3.55 4.914-6.16 3.136-2.61 7.423-3.97 4.39-1.46 9.515-1.46 5.544 0 11.82 1.57 6.38 1.57 12.965 4.6l-7.64 12.63q-5.86-2.72-9.728-3.87-3.87-1.25-7.43-1.25-2.3 0-3.763.73-1.36.63-1.36 2.09 0 .84.42 1.47 1.044 1.05.523 2.83 1.15 1.88.523 4.6 1.15 6.275 1.567 10.56 3.344 4.29 1.68 6.8 3.77 2.613 1.99 3.66 4.6 1.15 2.51 1.15 5.85 0 8.47-6.484 13.38-6.38 4.92-17.465 4.92zm66.962-1.045l-12.445-20.065-3.973 4.39V77.62h-19.87V1.332h19.87v41.7l14.64-20.38h20.914l-18.928 24.036 20.81 30.934h-21.02z"/><path d="M402.905 78.667q-7.215 0-12.862-2.195-5.647-2.3-9.516-6.166-3.764-3.866-5.75-8.883-1.988-5.016-1.988-10.555 0-5.956 1.88-11.286 1.98-5.33 5.75-9.3 3.87-3.972 9.41-6.27 5.64-2.405 13.07-2.405 7.32 0 12.97 2.404 5.64 2.3 9.41 6.27 3.87 3.87 5.75 9.1 1.98 5.12 1.98 10.77 0 1.57-.21 3.24-.11 1.57-.32 2.82H393.9q.315 4.39 3.243 6.38 2.927 1.88 6.377 1.88 3.25 0 6.07-1.46 2.93-1.46 3.87-4.07l16.84 4.81q-3.344 6.59-10.35 10.77-6.902 4.18-17.045 4.18zm8.784-34.382q-.53-3.97-2.93-6.27-2.41-2.3-6.17-2.3-3.77 0-6.17 2.3t-2.93 6.27h18.19zm27.54-42.952h19.86v53.09q0 6.27 5.12 6.27 1.25 0 2.72-.42 1.46-.417 2.72-1.15l2.51 15.99q-3.56 1.673-8.06 2.613-4.39.94-8.37.94-7.95 0-12.24-4.075-4.29-4.07-4.29-11.8V1.34zm37.98 0h19.87v53.09q0 6.27 5.12 6.27 1.25 0 2.72-.42 1.46-.417 2.72-1.15l2.51 15.99q-3.56 1.673-8.06 2.613-4.39.94-8.37.94-7.95 0-12.23-4.075-4.29-4.07-4.29-11.8V1.34z"/></g><path d="M1.842 77.722L26.586 40.63 1.842 3.537H20.4L45.144 40.63 20.4 77.722H1.842zm0 0" fill="#453a62"/><path d="M86.384 56.085L78.136 43.72h28.868v12.366h-20.62zM74.012 37.54l-8.248-12.365h41.24V37.54H74.012zm0 0" fill="#8f4e8b"/><path d="M26.586 77.722L51.33 40.63 26.586 3.537h18.558L94.63 77.722H76.074L60.61 54.54 45.143 77.722H26.586zm0 0" fill="#5e5086"/></svg>


Adjusting the text color isn’t hard, just change the fill="#ddd" poperty on the g tag.


Wrote a tampermonkey userscript to inject the logo.

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@admins @moderators any chance to update the logo for dark mode users please?


This slipped through the cracks, I will see what we can do and report back.

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Logo for dark mode has been changed!

Please test and tell us whether everything is fine or not.


@f-a perfect, thanks!

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Yes, it looks good, thanks!

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Personally, I think the grey font looks a bit rubbish, and prefer @MorrowM’s white version.

Especially due to the transition when scrolling down:

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Well, new version is up. Let us know if everything looks right!


Looks good. As an aside, may I ask, under Preferences\Interface\Theme, I am given three choices: Dark, Light, and Light. The two Light choices seem to be identical. Is that correct?

theme_id of the two “Light” is actually different, but it seems they are the same, at least on desktop.

Looks nice to me!

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