Hey everyone,
If you haven’t heard, the wiki was down for a while, and now it’s back. But along the way, we lost the old theme!
Besides needing to restore the theme, we need a new logo file.
Modern versions of Mediawiki (the software powering the wiki) need a square logo. The old logo was not square. It gets squashed and looks bad on the new site.
I’m no graphic artist. I’ve sparred with Gimp before, but I really don’t trust myself to chop up an existing image into a square. Perhaps you would like to help out?
There’s another thing, too. The Haskell logo is extremely good, and shouldn’t be changed. But I do wonder if we couldn’t have some way of differentiating the Haskell sites with some kind of tweak or flair. Especially the favicons! The wiki, this forum, Haskell.org, and the GHC GitLab all have the exact same favicon[1]. This makes my browser tab bar a mess. Can we do better?
- Read about logo requirements: Manual:$wgLogos - MediaWiki
- Follow the logo issue: Logo is missing · Issue #53 · haskell/haskell-wiki-configuration · GitHub
- The wiki config is a git repo! You can contribute an image through GitHub. See the commit that re-added the favicon for inspiration: Include logo and favicon · haskell/haskell-wiki-configuration@70dd569 · GitHub
P.S. A few versions of the standard “Thompson-Wheeler” Haskell logo are on the wiki (ha): Thompson-Wheeler logo - HaskellWiki
[1]: Hackage, Hoogle, and Stackage notably have their own distinct favicons!