Haskell vs Rust "Getting Started" pages

I’ve noticed a trend where new Haskellers will be asking for something equivalent to Rust’s installation/build tooling story on forums like Reddit (for example). But Haskell already has a very analogous story. Cabal is pretty analogous to Cargo in a v2 world, and ghcup and rustup are obvious equivalents.

I’m not sure if this is the main reason for it, but I checked out the Haskell “Getting Started” page with fresh eyes and noticed something when I compared it to Rust’s.

Rust’s goes all the way to setting up a Cargo project, adding a dependency, and running a program using that dependency (the cute ferris-says package).

Haskell’s goes to using ghci (which is an essential tool for beginners learning the language). It does mention Cabal but that’s it. It doesn’t explain to a new Haskeller how to set up a project and start building something by leveraging our nice ecosystem on Hackage. There’s even a haskell-say package already.

I think intermediate/experienced programmers coming from other mainstream languages will have no trouble understanding cabal + ghcup. In fact, I think they have an expectation that they exist many popular languages nowadays have solid installation and package manager stories.


I think you are right - do you want to open a PR for that? :slight_smile:


I’d be glad to when I find the time! If nobody else beats me to it :wink: It’ll take some effort to write a good intro tutorial, but stealing from Rust’s seems like a good idea.


Perhaps we can adapt parts of First steps - GHCup with @hasufell’s permission?


Or you just contribute to the ghcup page. It’s less bureaucratic.