Is there any easy(ish) way to setup HLS with VS Code or Emacs with Nix (for Haskell libs)?
I use Mac and NixOS.
My cursory Googling didn’t look promising, but maybe I missed something obvious : )
Is there any easy(ish) way to setup HLS with VS Code or Emacs with Nix (for Haskell libs)?
I use Mac and NixOS.
My cursory Googling didn’t look promising, but maybe I missed something obvious : )
you should use .envrc to get the nix shell automatically to start and pull in the right hls version + right ghc version.
then configure your editor to use that shell.
Emacs or VS Code may use the HLS/GHC from your env PATH, so if you start nix-shell/nix develop before your IDE, that should work out of the box.
As an example, in this project, you may run nix develop --command emacs
, and then M-x eglot
Here is a setting to make emacs runs HLS through nix (so that you can start emacs without having to enter a nix shell first):
(defun start-hls (_mode)
"Start HLS by trying to wrap in nix develop"
(cd (projectile-project-root))
(cond ((file-exists-p "flake.nix")
(message "Running HLS with flake")
(list "nix" "develop" "--command" "haskell-language-server-wrapper" "--lsp")
;; ((file-exists-p "shell.nix")
;; (progn
;; (message "TODO: handle shell.nix")))
(t (progn
(message "Running HLS from host")
(list "haskell-language-server-wrapper" "--lsp")))
(require 'eglot)
(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
'(haskell-mode . start-hls))
Also you might want to check HLS before the ide using haskell-language-server-wrapper typecheck
We have nix/hls in GitHub - input-output-hk/devx: Slightly opinionated shared GitHub Action for Cardano-Haskell projects ; as well as direnv, GitHub actions (including cross compilation) and devcontainer integrations (vscode, gh code spaces, …) on-top of that.
Using this .envrc
# A fast, persistent use_nix/use_flake implementation for direnv:
if ! has nix_direnv_version || ! nix_direnv_version 2.3.0; then
source_url "" "sha256-Dmd+j63L84wuzgyjITIfSxSD57Tx7v51DMxVZOsiUD8="
# Slightly opinionated shared GitHub Action for Cardano-Haskell projects
use flake "github:input-output-hk/devx#ghc8107-iog"
Should work in any direnv/hls capable editor (vscode, emacs, …). Some might need to reload after the initial dev shell initialization due to plug-in interactions. HLS should be found in the direnv provided PATH.
Launching the editor from a direnv enabled shell session should also work.
My template works out of the box with VS Code, both on macOS and NixOS:
If you want a minimal version of this template, try the haskell-flake example template but with .envrc/.vscode copied over from haskell-template: Getting Started | Zero to Flakes
And to setup direnv
(highly recommended if you use Nix + VSCode), see
Yeah, it is easy. Just install haskell-language-server, vscode and activate the Haskell extension in vscode. For more details you can read the haskell-language-server section in the Nixpkgs manual.
Unsure whether optimal, but a few characters (pkgs.haskell-language-server) was all the difference:
with import <nixpkgs>{};
mkShell {
buildInputs = [ pkgs.haskell-language-server
(hsPkgs: with hsPkgs; [ad normaldistribution lens random-fu]))
then on the command line, in the relevant folder containing your code and default.nix
$ nix-shell
nix-shell $ code .