Stackage pull requests are processed too slowly, what could be done? describes the stackage PR process. I’m not sure it’s working as intended. Lately I find PRs typically take days, weeks, multiple pings/monitoring/followups to get merged. (The CI tests are unreliable, also, with seeming false failures.) This discourages upstream maintainers like myself and others trying to improve stackage snapshots and fix the Haskell ecosystem’s abundant papercuts. Conversely, low friction and fast feedback loops would encourage more contribution.
What could be done ?


I’m refraining from cc’ing here so as not to fragment things, but we have a discussion going on that issue and some ideas. Do contribute your comments/votes there if you deal with build/dependency/packaging hassles; if you’d like to distribute your haskell software more widely; or if you’re just interested in Haskell’s success, software processes, FOSS community growth, etc.

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