There is a plan to monomorphise the contents of Data.List. I have written up an executive summary on the GitHub thread where it is being discussed. If you have an opinion that you would like to be taken into account then please leave a comment on that GitHub thread.
opened 05:21PM - 02 Dec 21 UTC
In it was observed that the pr… oposed changes to monomorphise Data.List were not well communicated with the community and many people were surprised at the change. It was therefore decided to revert the patch whilst the CLC proposals system was set-up, it has now been set-up so the CLC should decide on the plan for this issue.
The [plan]( articulated by @chessai was as follows:
1. Revert for now
2. Wait for -Wcompat to become part of -Wall (which is happening and will be a part of 9.4)
3. Wait for 1+ GHC releases, and announce extensively in the meantime
4. Re-introduce the change
5. Provide a retrie command for automatic refactoring (see
I am executing part 1 of this plan currently (
The new CLC need to agree to the rest of this plan and communicate the result with the community.