[ANN] BesselJ: Bessel J-function and related functions


New package on Hackage: BesselJ.


very cool! what is the BesselJ- dependencies | Hackage std cxx hackage dep? is that a magic package name or is it some sort of " system-cxx-std-lib", is 5.9. Packages — Glasgow Haskell Compiler 9.6.2 User's Guide the only extant docs for it?


Sorry for the late reply. This has to do with C++, but I don’t exactly remember… I’ll come back whenever I remember.

system-cxx-std-lib-1.0.conf has:

name:                 system-cxx-std-lib
version:              1.0
visibility:           public
id:                   system-cxx-std-lib-1.0
key:                  system-cxx-std-lib-1.0
license:              BSD-3-Clause
synopsis:             A placeholder for the system's C++ standard library implementation.
description:          Building against C++ libraries requires that the C++ standard
                      library be included when linking. Typically when compiling a C++
                      project this is done automatically by the C++ compiler. However,
                      as GHC uses the C compiler for linking, users needing the C++
                      standard library must declare this dependency explicitly.
                      This "virtual" package can be used to depend upon the host system's
                      C++ standard library implementation in a platform agnostic manner.
category:             System
abi:                  00000000000000000000000000000000
exposed:              True
extra-libraries:      :libc++.a :libc++abi.a
library-dirs:         $topdir