Vim / neovim tooling?

I just moved to Arch from Windows, and I’m curious what people’s vim / neovim plugins are. On Windows, VSC is an easy default, with known extensions, but I assume in Linux there’s the usual emacs vs vim war, as well as a bevy of extensions for both editors. What vim extensions do Haskellers use?

If you’re already happy with VSC you can use it on Linux too!

I assume in Linux there’s the usual emacs vs vim war

I suspect that assuming wars is not a productive way to begin a discussion …


I use vim, no extensions.

I just have hoogle that I can call via ghci and ghcid as a capable IDE.


I use vim with vim-dispatch and vim-tbone and a few personnal mapping to open ghci to a new tmux window and have vi to talk to it ,like reload, get the type under cursor etc …(using ghci lesser-known :type-at, :uses and :loc-at commands).

I used to use ghicd but discover that :set -fobject-code make reloading really fast (as it compiles the code, but only what has changed).

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Neovim: GitHub - neovim/nvim-lspconfig: Quickstart configs for Nvim LSP + GitHub - mrcjkb/haskell-tools.nvim: Supercharge your Haskell experience in neovim!
Emacs: GitHub - emacs-lsp/lsp-mode: Emacs client/library for the Language Server Protocol + GitHub - haskell/haskell-mode: Emacs mode for Haskell

I have worked with both extensively in large codebases for a couple of years and the experience with both is satisfactory.

My recommendation would be to stick to your editor of choice. But if you feel a little adventurous, you can move to a new editor without fear, Haskell is well supported in both.


I second the neovim recommendations. I recommend either astrovim or lazyvim in addition, to have a good amount of functionality available out of the box when starting out. I use lazyvim.

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VSC is a slow, bloated Electron app.

It’s basically telling me to get a better editor, and if I’m already Haskelling, why not go to the vim / emacs promised land? 6 months of learning for 10% more productivity… Wait, this sounds familiar… Except I’d say Haskell is 50-200% more. :grinning:
Just more used to GUI editors in a DE at this point.

As a very long time (neo)vim user who got tired of the never ending and complicated configuration and plugin hunting/updating I switched to the Helix editor.

Helix is a lean, very fast, batteries included modal editor. No plugins, no configuration. Just install (some version of) ghc and a corresponding language server with ghcup, install helix (pacman -S helix) and you are ready to go.


Yeah, tbh, was too hard to get NeoVim and its associated extensions configured with GHCup / HLS.

I hacked VSC to work on Arch and will be doing that for a while as I learn libraries that wouldn’t work because of Windows, but once I’m more comfortable, I’m definitely going back to NeoVim or Helix.