DevOps Weekly Log, 2024-05-08

Hello, it’s another weekly log.

I have been away since last Wednesday, so this log actually covers the week before last.

In the “recently completed” category, we have items in three areas:



  • I finished reviewing the logic of all the background processes.
  • I opened a few issues/questions that came up during the review.


Coming up, I will continue working on a Stackage presentation for the Ecosystem Workshop (hence the recently-completed process review). I will be creating or updating documentation along the way.

GHC issues reviewed one week ago

(I was away for the issue triage that happened yesterday, so these are a week late.)


Last week was another slow week for personal reasons, so I don’t think it’s worth its own post. I am continuing to work on the Stackage presentation!


Sorry, another slow week. I’ve done a deep dive on how stackage works (hmm, I could have just made that the subject of these logs!), because I think creating an introduction to stackage internals will be a valuable contribution to the community. The talk I will give in a couple weeks will be made public after the event, so you’ll all get to see the fruits of this work soon.